Bingen am Rhein buses

Company details of Bingen am Rhein buses

The coach hire company Bingen am Rhein buses is the result of a productive coaction between the bus tour operator City Tours Europe and local bus fleet operators from Bingen am Rhein, from circumambient Germany, from the bordering countries North Rhine-Westphalia, Belgium, Luxembourg, Saarland, France, and Baden-Württemberg, and from other countries in Europe. Bingen am Rhein buses's service offers encompass totally easy reservation of chauffeur-driven buses in and near Bingen am Rhein and around it. Besides this, Bingen am Rhein buses can equally charter out up-to-date buses for excursions, tours and transfers in Rhineland-Palatinate and in each and every of its enveloping regions. Our professional agents are capable to reply to any queries you might have regarding our agency as well as concerning all conscientiously chosen bus fleet operators with whom we work in unison. You only need to drop us a line by email at .

Come to know the intercontinental coach tour operator City Tours Europe

The reputable bus transportation company City Tours Europe is a limited liability company and mostly provides swift rental of private vehicles in the context of transfers and tours in Germany, as well as in any topographically close and outlying territories in Europe. City Tours Europe provides service in all territories belonging to Europe and owns bureaus in the following countries: Germany, Austria, Italy, and Poland.

Bus hire in Bingen am Rhein


Coaches hire in Rhineland-Palatinate



Listed below are the corporate data of City Tours Europe

To learn all important details regarding City Tours Europe, please see Europe Buses.

Legal seat: City Tours GmbH - Deutschland, Hauptstraße 34, D-99439 An Ettersberg (Berlstedt) , Germany. You can reach us by phone at: +49 203 98 42 10 51. To write us a fax: +49 322 21 73 95 74.

Board of managers and capital: Alexander Ehrlich (director) and Katarina Bachner (authorized signatory). Corporate capital: EUR 35.000,00, referring to the corporate capital of City Tours GmbH with seat in Vienna (Austria), which is the parent company of City Tours GmbH - Deutschland (a foreign branch office of City Tours GmbH).

Important company registrations: Tour operator license n° 2011/0010 at the Austrian ministry for economy and labour. Privacy protection n° 3000394 at the Austrian data protection commission. Member of: Chamber of commerce Jena. VAT-ID: DE815344110. Registration number: HRB 515435, at the Court of Jena. Insolvability insurance: Zürich Insurance, policy n°: 701.014.823.504. Executor: Europ. Reiseversicherung, Kratochwjlestr. 4, 1220 Wien. To read our data protection statement, please see here. To further investigate about our company, you are welcome to read the subsequent domain: